Sunday, June 17, 2012


I love my dad.

Growing up he seemed absolutely hell bent on teaching me how to appreciate the things I had versus coveting the things others had. I was a slow learner so this took tremendous effort on his part.

I would frequently moan, "But life's not faaaiiiiir!"

My father would agree. "Life's not fair. The sooner you realize that, the happier you will be."

When in the car with him, he knew he had a captive audience so he would drive me and my sister by a house and say, "See that man on his porch? He has no legs, but you don't hear him complaining. He is not complaining about not having the latest style of jeans or the newest electronic device. No. That man is just happy to have his arms."

Well, that will shut up a spoiled teenager.

This is an open letter of apology to my father. Who is my father?

He is the man who came to nearly every track meet I ever had from 7th - 12th grade. He showed up wearing white tube top socks pulled up to his shins and short shorts. I ignored his presence and pretended he was someone else's father.

He endured hours upon hours of seemingly endless dance recitals. He made me believe I could actually dance despite my two left legs and total lack of grace and coordination.

He's the dad who would pick me and my friends up from after school activities in his two-door aqua green Vega with gold interior. I would jump in the backseat and pretend he was one of my friend's dads. Yes, I even called him by that other man's name.

He's the dad who embarrassed me to tears even while my friends all called him "cool."

He's the dad who tells a great story and an even better joke.

He's the dad who is now a fabulous grandfather who has a gaggle of grand kids who love him dearly.

There are all sorts of dads in this world. I was blessed to get one of the best. My kids can say the same even though they are still too young to know it.

Happy Father's Day to dads everywhere, but particularly to one dad in Warren, Ohio.

He's a dad who taught his daughter to appreciate all life has to offer.
Dad, I'm still learning, but that's not your fault. I'm sure I get my learning disabilities from mom!

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